When my family and I moved to Young Israel of Harrison from Paris 20 years ago, we were welcomed with open arms by Rabbi Bienenfeld, his amazing wife Faygie and a vibrant and wonderful community.
Each family we met was really dedicated and sincere about their growth in Judaism whatever their level of observance. And it was very contagious. Before arriving in Harrison, I attended shul once a year on Yom Kippur. In a matter of years, my family became Shomer Shabbat and I cannot be more grateful to this community as I know this would not have happened without Young Israel of Harrison.
Now every Shabbat is a day of physical and spiritual delights we share with many guests at our Shabbat table. Young Israel of Harrison is much more than a synagogue; it’s a unique family who learns, prays and grows together. And we have a lot of fun too! It’s true what Rabbi Bienenfeld says “After Harrison, there’s no comparison.”
I hope to have an opportunity to meet you in the near future. We would love to welcome you to our congregational family.